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Teams from seven schools across the county gathered at Hereford Cathedral School for the recent Geographical Association Worldwise Quiz.

The teams answered quiz rounds on locations, mapskills, fieldwork and general world knowledge, which were coordinated by Paul Bayliss from St Mary’s.

This year’s winners were Fairfield High School, led by Mrs Helen Rogers. They were closely followed by Hereford Cathedral School and John Masefield.

Fairfield High School’s team were the Worldwise Quiz winners
The team from John Masefield came third

The other schools taking part were: Aylestone, Queen Elizabeth Bromyard, St Mary’s and The Hereford Academy.
Many thanks go to the teaching staff who took time to prepare and encourage their teams and also to the students themselves who tackled each varied round of the quiz so enthusiastically. The highlight of the event remains eating doughnuts at half time and this year we would like to publicly thank Claire Jopling, Community Champion Coordinator for Morrison’s, for sponsoring the event with 50 free doughnuts for the teams and their supporters!

Our grateful thanks also go to committed retired geographers from across the county: Catherine Close, Ingrid Heatley, June Hodges, Linda Miles and Paul Smith, who return to help with the running of the event. Linda Miles originally set up the event for the county in 1984.